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The Effect of Physical Health on Mental Health

Yoga can assist with poor health

So many of us reach a point in our lives where our physical health is no longer optimal and it effects our quality of life, this can happen to both young and old. It can have a profound impact on mental health that can so often go under the radar.  Often health issues can creep up on you over long periods of time, then one day you stop and take a breath and think "Where did I go?" "Who am I?" "What happened to my life?"  

In this post I will break down factors that are within our control and those that are not, understanding where the line is can be a big part of the battle for better health and the effect of physical health on mental health. For those that haven't reached this point in life yet and are thinking this will never be you.... I envy you..... I thought like that once to, make sure you read this, as promoting good health as prevention is much easier than finding a cure when it's all turned to custard. It's also really important to understand the link between physical health and mental health, it's not always so easy to say that you just need to exercise to feel better.

Medical Health Conditions

Illnesses and disease that effect the human body are endless so I cannot cover them all. But there are many common symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, joint pain, back pain, that in their own right will then lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. When physically getting through your day is tough on an ongoing basis, it is no surprise that this can then lead to mental health issues. Seeking help is really important but can often be a really frustrating process.

If you think about it this way, going to see a doctor can have a number of results, to name a few possibilities:

  1. You receive a medical diagnosis of a condition and 

  2. your doctor can prescribe medication to correct it, or 

  3. they may tell you that there is nothing that can be done about it, or 

  4. it's a serious condition and you have a very challenging road ahead whether there are treatment options or not.

  5. They may tell you that there is nothing wrong with you and you're left wondering if your symptoms are all in your imagination. This is so so common, and it highlights how modern medicine can be significantly lacking valuable holistic approaches to health. 

If you're really lucky you have a doctor who will prescribe both conventional medicines as well as alternatives which will save you all the leg work doing your own research on medications, supplements and alternatives, in my experience those doctors are pretty rare though, I'm very thankful to have one.

The Challenges With Medications
pile of medications

Medication is a tough one, they can be absolutely essential, but also in my experience.... medications have side effects and if you don't have a complete understanding of the effect your condition is having on your body it can simply throw something else out of balance, potentially doing even more harm. At the same time if you have an undiagnosed issue but are using medication options for managing the symptoms, you need to make a choice for what gives you the best quality of life, are medications the best or are there alternative treatment options to give you the right balance of optimal health and quality of life? 

The Quest For Alternative Treatments
Stress causes poor health, poor health causes stress

Alternative methods that attempt to balance medical conditions are available, from eating organically, to Eastern Medicines, to Supplements, to Yoga, to strict eating plans. A good result from alternatives can be totally achievable, but it can also be a path to a never-ending quest for an alternative cure, this can be very expensive and sometimes fruitless, so in turn negatively effects mental health, in itself it can cause anxiety, depression and eating disorders. 

Another option is finding some relief from medications, but also finding alternative methods that seek to balance the effects of medications. A quality yoga practice can play a significant part here. Keep reading as I'll tie this whole blog together next.  

How Yoga Can Help

Not all yoga is as focused and purposeful as Viniyoga.  Think about it this way, if you're training to be a high-level athletic sprinter there are various techniques you use to advance your abilities, you wouldn't just run on a treadmill at the same pace all the time. Viniyoga based yoga has a much greater focus on how you are moving your body in your practice, whereas much of the online yoga we see is more based on stretching, relaxation and breath. No matter what type of yoga the benefits of yoga for physical health are still there, but there is so much more to gain from a Viniyoga based practice. In our Yoga Time Warrior practice, we still focus on stretching relaxation and breath, but we focus on developing strength as well, in a way that balances all elements of the body, stabilizing the spine and joints & improving cardiovascular & organ function. 

You also learn to be very intuitive with how your body is reacting when you do something to it/or make it do something. This can be amazingly beneficial when working through health treatment options as it is super important that if you make a medication or alternative treatment change you need to notice if its working or not. In my previous blog Yoga's amazing power for natural pain relief covered our movements in our yoga practice and how we can utilize it to relieve pain & inflammation and benefit our overall health. I also covered how stress impacts our nervous system and how we utilize our breath in our yoga practice to support our release of stress, so achieving the benefits of yoga for mental health and in turn our physical health. Giving you another tool in your arsenal of balancing health, medications, alternatives and mental health.


Free Content

Here's the link to the latest workshop available on YouTube.  When I sequence a class there is a lot that goes into selecting the movements and then giving you the right cues on how to time your breath through the class, it's important we do the right movement with the right stage of breath. If I'm doing my job in a class then this tutorial is a little redundant, however there are times where you may get a bit out of sync, this understanding will help you get yourself back on track in a class while still moving safely.

Below is still the latest Free class, I'll be working on another one for next week.

If you aren't currently a subscriber don't forget the promo that's currently on to unlock all my classes, subscribe using the promo link and you'll get your first month subscription free.

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